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Medical UX & Behavioral Design

We can help you design products that better align your objectives with users’ inherent behaviors.

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UX and Product Behavioral Design are key in Healthcare.

Products with the objective of modifying behaviours and habits of users or medical staff need to deal with inertia and cognitive biases. Therefore it is of critical importance to take into account:

    Intrinsic complexities of the expected behaviour

    An App to keep a patient in a medicine schedule is a good example of a product that needs to deal with the nature of the expected behaviour. The habit that the product is expected to create is full of resistance and prone to failure. Anticipating possible pitfalls is key to success.

    User motivations and abilities when using your processes.

    On the other hand, getting doctors to prescribe one type of drug over another, or to comply with the hospital procedures to the letter, is a problem of how processes are designed. In a world with simple procedures, mistakes are minimized. In this case, the creation of an app able to turn the inherent complexity of the healthcare system into simple procedures is the main challenge.

    At Ingenious we can help you reduce the usability friction of your UI.

    But we can help you with way more than that.

    A couple of examples.

    Improving adherence to protocols.

    Medical Centers have large libraries of procedures that doctors must adhere to when diagnosing their patients. Yet, most professionals don’t have the time to study all of them all. The result: mistakes happen, some that even result in malpraxis lawsuits. The intuitive solution for this situation is to provide a tool for doctors to consult the appropriate protocol for the condition they have diagnosed.However, this type of product usually fails because user adoption is low. Physicians feel like they are being imposed a way to work they don’t like.

    Our solution?

    After a Behavioral Insights process we proposed to create a tool to prevent malpraxis lawsuits, something that, when protocols are not followed, affects Doctor’s professional insurance costs (when procedures are followed, the hospital is in charge of costs). The solution is simple to use, in two minutes doctors are able to verify the recommended route of action and even if no internet is available!. Each month doctors receive in their email a summary of lawsuits events and the number of colleagues that are using the app, nudging them to adopt or keep using the app. Instead of a robot schooling them on how to do their work they get an ally, that helps them to save troubles and money.

    Changing medication habits

    What happens if the healthier choices imply engaging the user in a complex, laboursome or tedious behavior? When ability is low we need to work to align the user motivation with the products objective, provide immediate feedback, triggers and reminders of the original commitment. One example is helping young adults with chronic conditions to adhere to their medications after they left their parents’ house.

    Our solution?

    Behavioral Insights, we suggested to construct a waiting game (like farmville) that can be used as an excuse to prompt the medication reminders, show immediate feedback of the medication adherence in a graphical way, as a person that is tending to their medication will be more successful in game, this means more items and upgrades to feel good about their progress (both in game and in real life).So we designed a story driven game filled with cliffhangers that nudge the user to come back, the next day, for more.

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