Valid Eval
Project Rescue and Complex Technologies

V alid Eval is an online evaluation system for organizations that make and defend tough decisions. It makes decision-making visible, outcomes defensible and feedback actionable. It’s a platform that enables the people responsible for making decisions about grant awards, funding, prizes or admissions to ensure, through a set of tools, measurable and defensible evaluation processes. It guarantees that the evaluation results are transparent and as unbiased as possible. And more importantly, it makes all this information available to everyone involved.
Valid Eval is designed for organizations that must make and defend tough group decisions. The system is easy to use, minimizes bias and provides highly useful feedback to participants. It surfaces and organizes the normally hidden criteria used in complex evaluations, increasing evaluator accountability and support for outcomes.
Ingenious was responsible for revamping the whole platform, first front-end and then back-end. The former was done in React , and the latter involved transitioning from MySQL to Neo4j.
Valid Eval
Project Rescue and Complex Technologies
V alid Eval is an online evaluation system for organizations that make and defend tough decisions. It makes decision-making visible, outcomes defensible and feedback actionable. It’s a platform that enables the people responsible for making decisions about grant awards, funding, prizes or admissions to ensure, through a set of tools, measurable and defensible evaluation processes. It guarantees that the evaluation results are transparent and as unbiased as possible. And more importantly, it makes all this information available to everyone involved.
Valid Eval is designed for organizations that must make and defend tough group decisions. The system is easy to use, minimizes bias and provides highly useful feedback to participants. It surfaces and organizes the normally hidden criteria used in complex evaluations, increasing evaluator accountability and support for outcomes.
Ingenious was responsible for revamping the whole platform, first front-end and then back-end. The former was done in React , and the latter involved transitioning from MySQL to Neo4j.